Sustainable Future

Sustainable Future
Tabcorp is committed to building a sustainable future for our business and our industry. We are committed to “Doing the right thing” to support our vision of creating the world’s most engaging betting and entertainment experiences business.
We do this by:
- Supporting and investing in social and environmental issues, such as climate change, human rights and animal welfare.
- Having a robust, transparent and effective approach to governance, taxation, data security and privacy.
- Holding our partners and suppliers to the same standards we hold for ourselves.
Tabcorp's Environment & Climate Change Position Statement
Tabcorp recognises it has an impact on the environment, directly through our operations, and indirectly through our value chain. We are committed to minimising adverse environmental impacts through our operations and the delivery of our products and services.
Tabcorp's Animal Welfare Position Statement
Tabcorp expects the highest standards of animal welfare and integrity and has zero tolerance to animal cruelty, in racing and in society in general.
Carbon Reduction Targets
Tabcorp has adopted greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, including a 45% reduction of 2019 level operating emissions by 2030, and net zero emissions by 2050. These targets are in line with the United Nations Paris Agreement's global decarbonisation pathway.
Participant of the United Nations Global Compact
Tabcorp is a proud participant of the United Nations Global Compact, a call to companies everywhere to align their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and to take action in support of UN Goals.